Education has always been the most powerful weapon which people can use to change the world.
The year 2016 was an eventful year for sport and eco-educational tour for the 55 clubs from Romania who have chosen to participate at the six events from the National Championship of Sport Tourism "Stafeta Muntilor" .
The Stafeta Muntilor is a specialized competition, whose overall ranking is made up exclusively of evidence that can be objectively quantified and within which competitors have the opportunity to participate in age-appropriate category and level of training.
The participants of this year stages have visited the spectacular areas of Macin Mountains, Ciucas Mountains, Bucegi Mountains, Retezat Mountains, Piatra Craiului, Parang Mountains and competed in various sport events of hiking.
The Mountain Hiking Association promotes the "Stafeta Muntilor" as a competition of sport tourism, organized nationwide, which aims to create an organizational and competitive framework specific for developing of long lasting relationships between the youth NGOs, tourism, sport and ecology at no charge for participation, and - also - satisfies the other organizations that were involved in organizing its stages and its participants - who are increasingly more from year to year.
The organizations that were involved in 2016: MecanTurist Galati, Clubul de Turism si Protectia Naturii "Cocosul de Munte" Brasov, Asociatia de Turism Gaska Bucuresti, Asociatia de turism montan "Via-Retezat", Jnepenii, Clubul Alpin Temerarii, Asociatia Schi-Turism Montan "Pro-Parang" Petrosani.
Because there must be an award ceremony, the honorary organizer from this year, together with the organizers clubs and those who participated this year, invite you to THE AWARD CEREMONY OF THE NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPS OF SPORT TOURISM "zyaga", which will take place between 11 to 13 November 2016 at Hotel Andy Predeal.
The Clubs that have accumulated the most points in all the six categories are: Asociatia de Turism Montan Cocosul de Munte, Hai pe munte Iasi, Asociatia EcoTuristica Soimii Dunareni, Zimbrul Carpatin Pitesti, Montan Club Floarea Reginei Valea Jiului.
The Mountain Hiking Association in collaboration with the volunteers Alexandru Canavoiu and Petronel Postolache, will present a special system for orientation that will be implemented in 2017 and will help the competition to become even more attractive, in the future this system will take over other sport competitions from Romania. On the page www.stafetamuntilor.ro will be presented the entire project, that will be ready to be studied and even realized by other organizers of sport competitions.
The Mountain Hiking Association is currently supported by SC Manpres Distribution SRL, Yli Eternit Acces SRL, CH-center.com, Elmo-Print, O & R Bacau, Zimbrul Carpatin Pitesti.