


Download Rankings Software

The administration of clubs and of the participants are no longer a problem when organizing an event. Now you can organize competitions with a tracking and timing system that can take place in a single day or several days.
  • Data: 2019-05-12
  • Version: 2.0
Download Checkpoints Software

Ultra Orienteering allows you to make your own professional tracking and timing system that you can change according to your own needs. The documentation as well as the schemes to achieve control and verification stations are free.
  • Data: 2019-05-12
  • Version: 2.0

Source Code for Rankings

You can help develop the software for the calculation of rankings. The source is available on GITHUB and can be modified after your needs.

Source Code for CheckPoints

The source code for the Control Point can be downloaded from GITHUB and can be changed depending on the type of competition. You can help its development through direct involvement or by sending new ideas to the producers.

Source Code Printer

The source code for the program UltraOrienteering Printer is available on GITHUB. You can help them develop through direct involvement or by sending new ideas to the producers.